Limited Edition Signed Hard-Cover

In 1981, a young, unknown cyclist from Illinois set out to ride, not just across the U.S., but across the country and BACK, from New York to California and return. In an era when running a marathon or riding a hundred miles were considered ultra-endurance challenges, Lon’s epic journey redefined the meaning of endurance. In this story of grit, determination, and overcoming adversity, Lon tells of his groundbreaking ride, on primitive equipment, navigating with paper maps, and with family and friends as his crew.


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If you ever wondered how Lon Haldeman won the Great American Bike Race in 1982 and the Race Across AMerica in 1983 so easily, as told on ABC TV’s Wide World of Sports, reading this story will answer your questions. You will also be amazed by Lon’s memory of his decision, preparation, organization, and obstacles just to get to the start line in New York City.

Reading and reviewing this book is an honor and a pleasure for me to relive our 1987 Tandem Transcontinental Record ride, which followed many of the same roads, passing landmarks that would start another story from Lon... about the campsite, what Mom made for dinner, what the weather was like, how he felt... and more.

Since this epic ride, Lon and his wife, Susan Notorangelo, have turned their passion into a successful business that has led more than 2,000 people across the country. He has also taken cyclists to Peru and Ghana, where the group has helped build schools, provided bikes, and befriended even those who kidnapped him and his group on the Amazon River. I’ve read Lon’s short story about that one. After you read this, I’m sure you will want more. I know I do.

Enjoy the ride.

--Pete Penseyres

1984 & 1986 Race Across America Winner and multiple tandem transcontinental record holder

“Lon Haldeman is an American original in every sense. He pioneered long-distance bicycle racing in the modern era as a key figure in the coast-to-coast Race Across America. He is one of America’s greatest living athletes and has spent a lifetime giving back to the sport. With his wife, Susan Notorangelo, also a world-class ultra-distance cyclist, he founded PAC Tour, which has helped thousands of cyclists realize their dreams of pursuing long-distance cycling.

Along the way, he led cycling groups to Peru and Ghana where they have helped build schools, donated bicycles, and spread the joy of cycling.

No one could have told this story other than Lon Haldeman, and when you read his wonderful book, you’ll be thankful he did.”

--Stuart Stevens

Adventure travel author, television political analyst